Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 2 (again)!

Today was actually a pretty good day. I did my early morning workout. Ate pretty healthy...I'll admit I was bad at dinner, but not that bad. I was keeping track of what I ate and I was trying to be good. It was date night with my husband and I. We usually only do a date night maybe 2-3 times a month. I'm pretty proud of myself though, it was an appetizer I misbehaved with, not dessert! I also did a mid-afternoon weight workout / little bit of treadmill workout. I kept track of everything on 'MyFitnessPal' (besides my morning workout). I only went over my 1,200 calorie goal by 76 calories. I will for sure be burning that off in the morning when I do my morning workout and hit the workout room!

-10 push ups
-20 squats
-30 lunges
-40 sit ups
-50 second wall sit
-90 jumping jacks
-50 leg raises (per leg)
*repeat one more time*

-Leg press; 5 sets up 10 on 20 pounds
-Leg press; 5 sets of 10 on 25 pounds
-Lat pull; 7 sets of 10 on 20 pounds
-Leg extension; 2 sets of 10 on 15 pounds
-Tricep push back (or down?); 2 sets of 25 on 10 pounds
-Treadmill (just to finish up workout on a star trac); 8 mins on a 3.4 speed, no incline.

I'm not going to post about my food intake today in detail. Breakfast was the same as yesterday, only I had half an english instead of a whole and 3 boiled eggs no yolk, not 4 (total, 219 cals). Lunch was a little different, lemon tuna on 6 crackers (200 cals). Dinner, we went to Culinary Dropout. I ordered the fried chicken but I only ate a quarter of it (one piece of chicken, the thigh, half a biscuit, half the mashed)! I should have just stuck to the appetizer and no meal that was so filling (these small soft baked pretzel bites with provolone melted fondue cheese. Don't worry, my husband shared it with me!). If I tracked my food right, I only had 645 calories. I know that's probably not the exact, but it's close enough. I've drank almost a whole gallon of good 'ol H2O and I've had about 2, 12 ounce cups of unsweetened ice tea.
I always hate going out to restaurants and not knowing what the exact caloric (right word?!) intake is. When I use to track my food, that was actually the reason I stopped eating out. I would only eat out at places that had the "healthy and fit" menus, since they usually have all the info that goes along with the meal you're getting. I think I might be doing that for now on.

Well, folks, it's way past my bed time (11 pm!). I'm exhausted. My husband is already snoring up a storm. I know my little lady will probably be up bright in early (please, Baby Jesus, not 5 am!). I'm hitting the sheets.

Good night!

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